That's Better
After my mopey post on Friday, I grabbed some yarn I'd been staring at forever and started making this:

I finished it about 36 hours later, mainly because once Dizzle knew it was for her, she kept cracking the whip, shouting in her cute little toddler shout "Sweater! Mine! Now!" If one must have a slave driver, a cute one that gives you bear hugs anytime you ask is always a good choice.
I realized today (again home and sans vehicle) that I have no appropriate buttons, so I made little toggles with 3 inch i-cords, knotted on each end, and I think they look rather cute, so I don't think this will ever get real buttons. The yarn is handspun from the HelloYarn fiber club, and the pattern is Ann Budd's Child's Circular Yoke recipe. All the details Ravleled here.
I think that served as just the trick to waken me from my attempted hibernation. I was glad to hear from all your comments that I'm not alone in the hunker-down instinct once it gets cold.

I finished it about 36 hours later, mainly because once Dizzle knew it was for her, she kept cracking the whip, shouting in her cute little toddler shout "Sweater! Mine! Now!" If one must have a slave driver, a cute one that gives you bear hugs anytime you ask is always a good choice.

I think that served as just the trick to waken me from my attempted hibernation. I was glad to hear from all your comments that I'm not alone in the hunker-down instinct once it gets cold.