Yeah Baby!
So, on a day like this:

What could be better than to work with this:

I had a great time meeting Adrian of Hello Yarn on Saturday. She and I spent about and hour and a half at the wheel. I learned the basic mechanics of this particular one (Louet S17) and got to practice both combing then spinning some black very "wooly" ram fleece, and then spin some very soft and lovely Blue Faced Leicester. With the BFL, I got an unexpected lesson the the value of pre-drafting. Adrian showed me how to do it, and we both pre-drafted a strip. I started with mine and I couldn't freakin spin it - the whole shebang was twisting up before I could draft anything off of it. After mutilating that, she handed me the one she had done and I was able to draft and spin it with pretty good (beginners) success. The difference was quite dramatic and lesson promptly learned.
Anyway, here are my spoils from yesterday (apart from the wheel, which I have for three weeks):

Big white blob is 8oz of "mystery wool" from Adrian (which I might attempt to dye before I spin), the greeny yarn cake is some Hello Yarn sock yarn (I am a sock yarn ho, after all) and the black blob on the bottom is my first wheel-yarn! Its one ply of the black rams wool, and one ply of the BFL. Half of it was created during my lesson, and the other half at home last night. Its crazy uneven and wonky, but its kind of cute.
Here is my work from last night spinning the CooperMoose roving I picked up a while back.

This stuff has been challenging - it slides apart quickly, so it is getting away from me and breaking constantly, but I did find a groove after some time. I'm scared to ply it - I suck at plying on the wheel, I get all out of control and crazy. I think I need to practice just going slow, but its hard to do.
So I am one happy PumpkinMama, and I'd like to give a hearty thanks to Adrian, she is so nice and a very good teacher and I thank her for her lesson and her patience (and she has a very cute doggy-friend too).

What could be better than to work with this:

I had a great time meeting Adrian of Hello Yarn on Saturday. She and I spent about and hour and a half at the wheel. I learned the basic mechanics of this particular one (Louet S17) and got to practice both combing then spinning some black very "wooly" ram fleece, and then spin some very soft and lovely Blue Faced Leicester. With the BFL, I got an unexpected lesson the the value of pre-drafting. Adrian showed me how to do it, and we both pre-drafted a strip. I started with mine and I couldn't freakin spin it - the whole shebang was twisting up before I could draft anything off of it. After mutilating that, she handed me the one she had done and I was able to draft and spin it with pretty good (beginners) success. The difference was quite dramatic and lesson promptly learned.
Anyway, here are my spoils from yesterday (apart from the wheel, which I have for three weeks):

Big white blob is 8oz of "mystery wool" from Adrian (which I might attempt to dye before I spin), the greeny yarn cake is some Hello Yarn sock yarn (I am a sock yarn ho, after all) and the black blob on the bottom is my first wheel-yarn! Its one ply of the black rams wool, and one ply of the BFL. Half of it was created during my lesson, and the other half at home last night. Its crazy uneven and wonky, but its kind of cute.
Here is my work from last night spinning the CooperMoose roving I picked up a while back.

This stuff has been challenging - it slides apart quickly, so it is getting away from me and breaking constantly, but I did find a groove after some time. I'm scared to ply it - I suck at plying on the wheel, I get all out of control and crazy. I think I need to practice just going slow, but its hard to do.
So I am one happy PumpkinMama, and I'd like to give a hearty thanks to Adrian, she is so nice and a very good teacher and I thank her for her lesson and her patience (and she has a very cute doggy-friend too).