This weekend was a festival of finishing, firsts and fun - I feel so magnificently productive.

Branching Out
Project Specs:
Pattern: Branching Out, Knitty Spring 2005
Yarn: unknown 100% wool from recycled sweater
Needles: Denise #8
Notes: first lace project, and also first "knitting looser" excercise. I would count both as successes!
Firsts: I acutally knit, washed and dried a swatch! What project merited such dicipline from this very undiciplined knitter? Take a look:


I've been dying to make
Rogue ever since I saw it. It is exactly my style. I feel ready now. The swatch you see is Cascade 220, color 9338, a nice medium heathery green. After washing and drying this swatch is SPOT ON GAUGE. How cool is that? I even swatched, washed and dried again in the round (as instructed - this piece is knit both round and flat) and again, got gauge. Do you even understand how challenging it is for me to be so methodical and patient? Please don't ask what would have happened if I had not gotten gauge on either swatch and had to re-swatch-wash-dry...would I have remained diciplined? Who knows. Either way, this was a very big step for me. I'm very proud of myself.


Hand dyed yarn by me! Both are half skein of LionBrand Fisherman's Wool, left ball is done with Kool Aid (grape, ice blue raspberry and artic green apple) right ball is McCormick food coloring, hand blended til I thought it looked right. This was a fun, messy project. Not quite sure what I'll do with these, maybe socks or some felting project. Its something I've been wanting to try and will do again, maybe with RIT or some other dye, as I didn't get the depth of color I was hoping for.