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Friday, October 05, 2007

State of the Spinning

I haven't posted about any of the spinning I've done in the last several months. Carole did WIP `em out Wednesday this week, and I'm sad to say my knitting WIPs don't look very different from the last time I posted about any of them - the hazard of spending short amounts of knitting time on large projects, I suppose. So I'll show you my spinning instead.

First up - Flames Superwash from Rachel, who now has an Etsy shop so you can get her good stuff too. This is about 4 (maybe 5? can't remember) superwash wool, I got about 500yds of dk/light worsted out of it. It is very soft and fluffy, and Rachel's dye job was so good that this blaze red/orange didn't bleed a single drop of dye when I washed it - amazing. This may become a little sweater/coat for Dizzle .

Next Up Rambo! My first true woolen, long-draw spun yarn. Fiber is from WoolyWonka's exotic fiber club, and the prep was exquisite. Still working on this, as the last spin night my shoulder started acting up after sitting and long-drawing for 3 hours.

Lastly, I finally busted out the Grafton Fibers batt I bought back at my first SPA attendance. I brought it to the Topsfield Fair spinning bee this week, and won a 3rd Prize ribbon for my little navaho-plied sample. (for a better recap of that night with photos, and to congratulate the Blue-Ribbon winner, go see Cheryl's recent post).

PumpkinBoy, upon seeing my ribbon and the yarn, petted the little hank for a minute and asked "Did you win for it being the littlest?"

PumpkinFamily is off for a week of fall-style R&R on Martha's Vineyard as of tomorrow, so I'll be disconnected for that time. Have a great week, and GO RED SOX!!!



Blogger Carole Knits said...

I haven't posted any spun yarn for a while, either. Thanks for the reminder. Have a fabulous weekend, the weather promises to be perfect for you.

11:12 AM  
Blogger Danielle said...

Yum! So inspiring!

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a GREAT vacation, I'll miss you this weekend!! And that bobbin of Rambo looks fantastic, truly woolen!

1:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

All are fantastic handspuns. I like the "littlest". Cute story! Have an amazing retreat.

1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah! go red sox! despite being from MA i've never been to martha's vineyard. have fun!

7:42 PM  
Blogger Manise said...

Congrats on your 3rd place finish on your lovely skein! Love Pumpkinboy's reaction to your win- too cute.

8:56 PM  
Blogger Laurie said...

Lovely stuff coming off the bobbins. I haven't spun my Anne Rambo yet - yours makes me look forward to it. I've done the Cormo - each bump was different.

Third place is excellent,and PumpkinBoy is very thoughtful.

7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gorgeous handspun! PumpkinBoy's comment cracked me up. Kids are so clever.

I can't believe that the Flames yarn didn't bleed at all! I try very hard to make sure that all the dye is exhausted, but sometimes it's hard. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it, though!

3:19 PM  
Blogger Anne P said...

My goodness! You have been a spinning fiend! I am very impressed with how lovely the long-drawn rambouillet looks - and 3 hours??!?! You go!

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flames looks so cushy and the rambo looks yummy. PumpkinBoy cracks me up.

11:50 PM  

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