A little room to breathe today, so I will play catch up. I did got to SPA last Saturday for the day with
Monica, and met up with
Cheryl as well. I'm a bit late for a trip report, but it was great to meet Monica and catch up with Cheryl again, and briefly meet
some other people too. Both Cheryl and Monica have better reports
here and
here. Needless to say, SPA is an amazing experience, even as a day tripper. To just sit in a big room of people and spin, and wander over when you see something cool and ask and learn and explore, it was just a terrific vibe. I also realized that my body is SO not used to spinning for more than an hour at a time - my back and legs were so tired when I got home. But what luxury to spin all day long - the soreness was worth it.
I also finished my
BunnyCrack scarf in time for our recent bout of cold weather.

It is nice and soft and warm, and my very first project for myself with my handspun. I will definitely be buying more of this fiber - it is a pleasure to spin and to wear.
I also might be able to make up my own luxury fiber mixes in the future. Thanks in combination to my restraint at the SPA vendors, Dan's thoughtful Valentine donation to my savings, and good old Uncle Sam giving me some of my hard earned money back at the end of the tax year, I am the proud new owner of this:

And that means that I was able to take all this:

a batch of my Lincoln/Coopworth/Wensleydale fleece, cleaned and dyed, and some milk fiber Cheryl gave me I dyed up. Into these:

Soft and fluffy batts of all of it blended up (there is more green in them in real life). What a time saver the drum carder is! Carding all this up by hand, with my limited time, would have literally taken me weeks to do properly. I did all this in little 15 minute increments over the course of Friday afternoon and evening. I am beyond excited my my new tool, and will put yet another plug for
Adrian's shop here - I ordered this on Tuesday and it was on my doorstep Friday afternoon, plus she's got the best prices on Louet equipment that I can find anywhere. Thank you Adrian!
I will be spinning and carding and putting Rogue #2 together (I finished the hood yesterday too!) this weekend.