As I mentioned in my last post, my Sunrise Circle is finished. As proof, I offer up this mediocre photograph of it on my kitchen floor. It will not be getting the full tripod, auto-timer and lovingly crafted close ups.

She is way too big. I noticed it when I was seaming up in Chicago that it seemed kind of large. When I got all the seaming done, I tried it on and realized it was true. In an effort of rationalization (a great area of expertise for me), my brain whispered, "But you haven't sewn up the hems and you really need the buttons on to see how it will fit closed up." So I finished the finishing - hems all around, even the crochet loops to go on the perfectly spaced toggle buttons.
But how did this happen? I had spot-on gauge. The problem, my friends, is that I have no idea what size I actually am. When I started knitting, I was a first-time nursing mom. To say that 2 years more of nursing, one more pregnancy and re-lactating has changed my curves a bit is quite an understatement. My bust is a far cry from the milk-filled 40" that I got when I last measured in 2004. Gravity and repeat nursing have not been kind to the girls and when I measure now I am a solid 38". Seeing as I knit the 41" size, on this supposed to be somewhat fitted cardi, I am toast.
Back in those first knitting days, I would have crumpled up and cried and then lived in total denial. Relegating the sweater to the back shelf, trying it on hopefully every once and while, thinking things might have changed. Not this time. My brain tried to trick me - I even brought it to spin night last night, hoping someone would tell me it was OK to try and felt it a little, but
Terry and the other sharp cookies there shook their heads sadly. She will be dismantled and reknit promptly in the proper size. I'm just glad it needs to be smaller, because I was about 5 inches away from needing to frog my swatch to finish this size.