Gifts and a Story
Santa was good to me this year, as he usually is. In this case, Santa is my dear husband and my parents pitching in to purchase this lovely piece of equipment:

I hope this heralds the dawn of somewhat less crappy photos on this blog. There will be a learning curve for sure, but I am excited to see what I can do with this beauty.
And a complete non-sequiter of a story that I know my readers will get a kick out of:
As part of the constant babbling conversation that one is wont to have when a 3.5 year old is part of your life, PumpkinBoy and I had this exchange this morning:
PumpkinMama: You have socks on your feet, PumpkinGirl has socks on her feet, and Mama has socks on hers.
PumpkinBoy: Mama doesn't have socks on her feet!
PM: Yes she does, see? (holds up a foot clothed in a hand knit sock)
PB: Mama has YARN on her feet. Yarn socks.
Even he knows hand knit sock are special!

I hope this heralds the dawn of somewhat less crappy photos on this blog. There will be a learning curve for sure, but I am excited to see what I can do with this beauty.
And a complete non-sequiter of a story that I know my readers will get a kick out of:
As part of the constant babbling conversation that one is wont to have when a 3.5 year old is part of your life, PumpkinBoy and I had this exchange this morning:
PumpkinMama: You have socks on your feet, PumpkinGirl has socks on her feet, and Mama has socks on hers.
PumpkinBoy: Mama doesn't have socks on her feet!
PM: Yes she does, see? (holds up a foot clothed in a hand knit sock)
PB: Mama has YARN on her feet. Yarn socks.
Even he knows hand knit sock are special!