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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Gifts and a Story

Santa was good to me this year, as he usually is. In this case, Santa is my dear husband and my parents pitching in to purchase this lovely piece of equipment:

I hope this heralds the dawn of somewhat less crappy photos on this blog. There will be a learning curve for sure, but I am excited to see what I can do with this beauty.

And a complete non-sequiter of a story that I know my readers will get a kick out of:

As part of the constant babbling conversation that one is wont to have when a 3.5 year old is part of your life, PumpkinBoy and I had this exchange this morning:

PumpkinMama: You have socks on your feet, PumpkinGirl has socks on her feet, and Mama has socks on hers.
PumpkinBoy: Mama doesn't have socks on her feet!
PM: Yes she does, see? (holds up a foot clothed in a hand knit sock)
PB: Mama has YARN on her feet. Yarn socks.

Even he knows hand knit sock are special!

Friday, December 22, 2006


Thursday, December 14, 2006

My Friends in the Computer

I have a little public thank-you note post to make to my friends in the computer. I never suspected that I would form such rewarding friendships through this blog. I have met so many New-England based knitters and spinners in the past year and have been so pleased to get to know so many wonderful women whom I never would have had occasion to meet otherwise.

Back at last month's spin night, Cheryl gifted me a beautiful baby sweater for the PumpkinGirl. She blogged about it in detail in this post, so at the time I didn't want to re-blog it. However, now I can show it modeled on the girl herself, so it is the time for public thank yous and a gratuitous baby photo (which, I promise will slow down here for those not interested in mommy-blogging*) I have the good fortune of having a very sizeable newborn, so she is already fitting into some larger clothes that I thought we'd have to wait to enjoy.

Another one of my good friends in the computer (and in real life too), Monica, has been working on a mystery baby project for a little while. I was intrigued and mystified about what would cause her to be so secretive about knitting for her own little baby girl who is due this spring. I never in the world thought that this piece of beauty would show up in my mailbox the other day:

It is a gorgeous baby dress, that again, thanks to PumpkinGirl's fast rate of growth, we should be able to get some good wear out of this winter. And it has bobbles - she bobbled for my baby, only a good friend would do that.

I have been blessed not only with a happy thriving family, but with getting to know all of you who visit me here. I am well and truly touched, not only by the physical gifts my friends may send, but by all the well wishes and good thoughts you have all sent my way over the last month, be they an attempt to put me into labor on my own, or the congratulations on PumpkinGirls birth. Thank you all for sharing of yourselves.

*for those who are interested in mommy-blogging, I do keep a seperate blog that is about my kids over here.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Contest Winner

In all the excitement, I'd forgotten that I have some contest business to clear up. A long long time ago I asked you all to guess what the PumpkinGirl's birthday would be. Little did we all know it would take one whole month to get a date and a winner.

I am pleased to announce that Denise is our winner, in the style of bidding $1 on The Price is Right, as she was still almost a week off, but happened to be the one to guess the latest date. Here is what her winning comment said: "ooooh will you ever hate me.. Mwah hahaha.. I say November 30th at 4:45 pm." And she was right, I read her comment and cursed her under my breath for even the mere suggestion I would be pregnant that long.

So, dear Denise, drop me an email with you choice of winnings - the Ebony Zephyr or the Lorna's Laces Top/Silk Hankies, as well as your mailing address, and PumpkinGirl and I will zip out on her first trip to the post office and mail them away to you.

And some eye candy Monday for you, just because I'm so in love with my girl:

(and yes, she's wearing blue, thats what you get when you're the 2nd baby and your older sib is a boy)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Worth The Wait

After all the waiting, her arrival was certainly fast. 3 and a half hours total and she had arrived. I proudly present my sweet baby daughter, born a little before noon on Tuesday the 5th of December. She weighed 9 pounds even, and is 21 inches long.

Her name will not be published here, but I'm happy to share it privately if I have your email address. We are all back home as of this morning. Blogging will be sparse for a while, I do believe!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Let Us Pay no Attention.. the elephant in the room, shall we? The past week of liesure has been somewhat productive on the fiber-pursuit front at least.

I was able to start and complete a 6-month size baby sweater in Opal sock yarn in a matter of days. Looks a little dark here as it is still drying. Pattern is the Opal baby sweater found here, yarn is Opal Petticoat Cotton and I'm too lazy to find the ball band to tell you what colorway, other than it is yellow and blue.

I also had enough time to dye, spin, ply and set 4oz of corridale for more socks for me. But it may end up being a Christmas stocking for She Who Shall Not be Moved, as it turned out decidedly more christmas-y green than I had planned. Maybe with some red handspun as contrast heel and toe? Could be cute, or I could just be insane now, only time will tell.

I will happily accept any "get the hell out of that womb" vibes anyone cares to send toward my lackadaisical daughter. She will be forefully evicted Tuesday morning if she chooses to remain unmoved. Sigh. I was really hoping to avoid the pitocin this time around. She's got 2 more days to cut mom some slack.