Inch by Inch
Celtic Dreams has is now joined at the armpits and the neck is done. I had been thinking about modifying the neck, but honestly I just don't have the time or patience to even look around for what I could do, so plain garter stitch it is. It looks good to me, and I like how it highlights the square neck.
Summer is flying by and I feel like I've been knitting a lot, but don't have much to show for it. I'm plugging away at the Trekking socks I started in freakin' December. I think as a result of them being unfinished for so long, I have a deep seated "Blah" feeling about them, but I'm forcing myself to finish them before I start any other socks. My poor Morning Glory shawl is languising too, perhaps I need to take the sweater out of rotation and work on that, but I just don't feel sharp enough to be knitting lace with no resting rows at the moment. I am studiously ignoring the Bee Fields Kit that landed on my doorstep yesterday, as I need another complex WIP like I need a hole in the head.

Labels: celtic dreams